Gretsch: Product Page Concept
Nov 2023
Concept approach
The primary purpose of the Gretsch website today is to provide high level details about their musical instruments and point the user to retailers to purchase (see below). While researching a new electric guitar on their website, I was surprised to see such an underwhelming experience, especially when you looked at the price point of some of their products. In 2023, when purchasing a high ticket item, you expect to be sold on the features of the product while also be given tools at your disposal to easily compare, save and shop in a seamless experience.
As I began to explore a concept that reimagined the product page experience, I focused on the following elements:
Refreshing the site aesthetic to be more modern and bold, yet still keeping it true to their brand
Completely overhauled the top navigation and moved unnecesary links to the sub-nav in the top right.
Added new features like on-site shopping cart, comparison tools, favoriting and related products
Included more photography, video and marketing copy to better sell the consumer on the guitar
Explored the idea of introducing an "artist spotlight" as it helps reinforce how great the product is and that it is used by professionals